CSearch Conference Registration Sponsorship Contest 2019

CSearch is a student-organized conference that draws registrants from across the country.  It offers students an excellent opportunity to learn about and talk about computing research.  This year the conference will be held at Queen's on October 4/5

For detailed information about the conference, please see the CSearch page: https://www.csearchconference.com/

Once again I am pleased to sponsor up to four students to register for this conference (see "The fine print" below)

The contest:

I have posted an encrypted text here.  I will pay the CSearch 2019 registration fee for the first four students who email me the correctly decrypted form of the text.  The original text is an exact quote.  To be judged correct, your solution must match the original quote.

The encrypted text:


Note:  The " marks at the beginning and end of the previous line are NOT part of the encrypted text.  They are included here only to act as markers for the exact beginning and end of the encrypted quote.

The hints: 

A new hint will be posted here each day until the contest closes.

Date Hints

20190920 "Oh what a tangled web we weave"
Would you pass the author's test?
Sometimes it's an in-faro
The key consists of the author's first and last name, all upper case, with no space between.
20190924 , 20190925 sorry, no clues for these days ... work got in the way!
20190926 I hope you are combing through encryption information
20190927 Some letters are odd

The fine print: