Queen's School of Computing CISC-490/870* - Winter 2017 Title and Photo Table




Fuzzy Logic

Winter 2017

Fuzzy Sunshine 
Image by LadyDragonflyCC, used under Creative Commons Licence

Internal LinksAnnouncements


Course Information



Course Summary (Weeks 1 .. 6)

Recommended Readings

Sample Tests

Demo Programs

Samples of Work

Academic Integrity in CISC 490/870


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Course Information

suggested : Fuzzy Logic, Yen & Langari, Prentice Hall    


Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, Bede, Springer
History of fuzzy theory; fundamental concepts of fuzzy theory: sets, relations, and logic operators. Approximate reasoning, fuzzy inference, possibility theory. Separation from probability. Fuzzy control systems. Fuzzy pattern recognition. Advanced topics may include fuzzy expert systems, financial systems, graph theory, optimization.
Marking Scheme

10 %
15 %
Presentation on advanced topic or case study
20 %
Paper on advanced topic
25 %
Implementation of a small-scale fuzzy application
20 %
Contribution to shared annotated bibliography
10 %

There is no final exam.

Students with special needs are responsible for contacting the instructor at least a week before each test.  Please see the Queen's Disability Services page for students for more information.

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Class Schedule

Monday 12:30 - 1:20
Wednesday 11:30 - 12:20
Thursday 1:30 - 2:20
All class meetings are in Jeff 225

Assignment and Test Schedule

Midterm Test


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Course Summary (Weeks 1 .. 6)


Key Concepts

Fuzzy Set Theory
Membership functions; set union, intersection, complement, cardinality, equality, subsethood; distributive laws, DeMorgan's laws
T-Norms and S-Norms
Properties, examples, duality
Negation operators
Properties, examples, deMorgan triples
Fuzzy Rules
Systems of rules, application: matching, inference, combination, defuzzification; clipping versus scaling; MOM, COA, COM defuzzification
Fuzzy Relations
used for giving fuzzy input to Fuzzy Rules; Compositional Rule of Inference: max-min and max-product; interpolation property
Fuzzy Numbers
L-R numbers, triangular numbers, trapezoidal numbers
Fuzzy Arithmetic
Extension Principle; fuzzy addition of L-R numbers; fuzzy multiplication: cross-product
Fuzzy Implication
logical equivalences to p -> q; S-implications; T-implications (also known as R-implications); other implication operators; application to fuzzy rules

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Recommended Readings

Recommended Readings General Readings

Learning (Your First Job)
Essential reading for all students
Computer Science For Fun Any purely recreational

Fuzzy Readings

Here is a small collection of tutorials, interesting papers, index pages etc. on fuzzy theory.  I have not read all of these (yet).  Some may be different versions of the same document, found on different sites and not yet weeded out.

You are encouraged to recommend new links to add to this page.

Wolfram Fuzzy Logic Table of Contents
FAQ: Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Expert Systems 1/1 [Monthly posting]
Fuzzy Logic Tutorial - An Introduction
Fuzzy logic jump start.
Fuzzy Logic
afnn15_fuzzylogic.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Fundamentals.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Entropy and Conditioning
Fuzzy logic tutorial.
Generalized modus ponens
nfs1.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs2.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs3.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs4.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs5.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs6.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nfs7.pdf (application/pdf Object)
A note on the relationship between fuzzy logic and four-valued logic
afnn16_fuzzysystem.pdf (application/pdf Object)
lm92.pdf (application/pdf Object)
fsta2006-behounek-cintula.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic Archive
Fuzzy Logic
PC AI - Fuzzy Logic
afnn20_fuzzycontrol.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy CA - Mingarelli.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Causality.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy model of reputation.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Linguistic Fuzzy-Logic Game Theory -- Arfi 50 (1): 28 -- Journal of Conflict Resolution
LINZ2006Abstracts.pdf (application/pdf Object)
nafips_gras_spagnolo_232 (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy CA - Sigan, Jack.pdf (application/pdf Object)
fuzzy consensus 1.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Group Agreement_VandeWalleTuroffPaper.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz - Hagenberg
Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz - Hagenberg
fuzzy-subsethood-based-color.pdf (application/pdf Object)
generation5 - Falcon: Fuzzy Adaptive Learning Control Network
Bart Kosko
Robert Fullér
BISC Program; Soft Computing
ISIS Lab, Evolution

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Sample Tests

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Demo Programs

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Samples of Work

Samples of Work
Azim Presentation
Ounsworth Presentation
Douglas Term Paper
Martin Implementation
Azim & Huda Term Paper and Implementation
Lamb Implementation
Presentation Evaluation Form

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Academic Integrity in CISC 490/870

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